Saturday, March 31, 2012
بأناملنا نحقّق أحلامنا
في إطار النـّشاطات التي تقوم بها إدارة الشّؤون التـّربويـّة في جمعيـّة المقاصد الخيريّة الإسلاميّة أقيم المعرض الفني التـّاسع لنيل جائزة مجلس أمناء المقاصد تحت عنوان " بأناملنا نحقّق أحلامنا " . نسج تلامذة المرحلة الأساسيّة بأناملهم لوحات مزجوا فيها الألوان والصّور فأضحت لوحات فنيّة خلابة عبّروا فيها عن أحاسيسهم ومشاعرهم وأفكارهم بأبهى حلل وأروع صور. نشكر مدرّسي ومدرّسات الفنون في مدارس المقاصد ونخصّ بالشّكر الأستاذ بسّام حيدر والمربيتين نعمة خليل وعبير الكوش .
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
ست الحبايب
بمناسبة عيد الأم حضّر تلامذة الصّف الثاني والثالث الأساسي هدية وهي عبارة عن وردة من القطن الملوّن والعصي والجفصين نفّذوها بمهارة وإتقان وتفاني ووضعوا في طياتها كل الحب والإمتنان
كل عام وكل أم في العالم بخير وعافية
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
World Maths Day
In every March, students around the world celebrate “Math World Day”. KSPS young mathematicians didn’t forget this event; they celebrated this event through various interactive activities in all elementary classes. Technology was incorporated through interactive flipcharts to increase students’ interest and engage them in the learning process.
Students solved Math problems and riddles. They competed against each other during this day. At the end, the winners of each activity were assigned as the Math queens and kings.
فوج خليل شهاب في يوم الطفل
بمناسبة عيد الطفل أقام فوج خليل شهاب برحلة إلى سينما الكونكورد لحضور فيلم (لوركس) الذي يهدف إلى المحافظة على البيئةوعدم قطع الأشجار، وقد نال الفيلم إعجاب الكشافين
مهرجان الطفل
بمناسبة يوم الطفل شارك تلامذة مدرسة خليل شهاب في احتفال أقيم في الفوريوم ببيروت برعاية الصليب الأحمر اللبناني وتخلل الإحتفال نشاطات ترفيهية وألعاب تربوية تهدف إلى تعزيز ونشر التوعية عن حقوق الطفل وحماية الأطفال
Friday, March 23, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!
There is nothing more precious than a mother's love. Grade 2 students enjoyed writing and coloring greeting cards for their moms on this special day. Happy mother's day!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
دعم مرضى سرطان الأطفال
علـّمنا الإسلام أن نتعاون ونتكافل ونتآزر في المشاعر والأحاسيس والأعمال ،
كما قال رسول الله : " مثل المؤمنين في توادّهم وتراحمهم وتعاطفهم مثل الجسد
، إذا اشتكى منه عضو تداعى له سائر الجسد بالسّهر والحمّى " .
نحن مدرسة مقاصدّية نشأت على
تعاليم الإسلام وكانت ولا تزال تغرس القيم والمبادئ الإسلاميّة بين نفوس أبنائها
ليغدوا في المستقبل رجالات نفخر بهم ونعتزّ .
ومن قطوف ما غرسنا نشر البسمة والفرح في نفوس ممن حرموا منها آملين
من الله عزّ وجل أن يشفيهم ويسرّأهلهم قريباً . ولقد صدق رسول الله بقوله حين قال : " تداووا عباد الله ، فإنّ الله لم يضع داءً إلا وضع له دواء إلا الهرم " .
عملا ً بهذا الحديث الشّريف زار
تلامذة خليل شهاب قسم مرضى سرطان الأطفال في مستشفى المقاصد برفقة المربّيتين ندى
بشاشي زينب مكـّي وعضو لجنة الأهل السّيّدة ليال عثمان لتقديم ثمن جرعتين
علاجيّتين وهدايا للمرضى وللجناح المخصّص لهم .
أشكر السّيّدة رنا صبيدين مديرة
المدرسة على دعمها الدّائم لنا والمربيّة رندة العنزاوي وكلّ معلمات خليل شهاب
فرداً فرداً ، والسّيّد هيثم حلاق عضو لجنة الأهل والأهل
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
A Healthy Breakfast!
This week AUB Nutrition Department visit to cycle 2 clovers focused on the importance of breakfast.
Ms. Nancy Awada encouraged students to add breakfast to their eating pattern because it is a major step to improving life style. She explained that breakfast is important especially for kids since their growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food.
Finally, students’ task was to plan a healthy breakfast to start their day with. They made “Labneh” sandwiches with olive oil, dried mint, and vegetables.
Ms. Nancy Awada encouraged students to add breakfast to their eating pattern because it is a major step to improving life style. She explained that breakfast is important especially for kids since their growing bodies and developing brains rely heavily on the regular intake of food.
Finally, students’ task was to plan a healthy breakfast to start their day with. They made “Labneh” sandwiches with olive oil, dried mint, and vegetables.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
فوج خليل شهاب
Tooth Fairy Drawing
What does a tooth fairy look like? each year she looks a little different.
Here is the 2012 Tooth Fairy's description.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Sad Tooth, Happy Tooth
“Dental Care” is a project that engages first graders in several Science activities to encourage students to take care of their teeth.
Ms. Mayssa Richani, a nutritionist, visited grade 1 class and discussed with students the importance and reasons of taking care of their teeth, using their baby teeth and brushing them. Ms. Richani pinpointed the kinds of food that help in keeping healthy teeth. At the end of Ms. Mayssa’s presentation, students’ had to draw the food that help us maintain healthy teeth on the “Happy Tooth”, and the food that causes teeth decay on the “Sad Tooth”.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I'm a Hero!
As every Monday, grade 4, 5, and 6 students welcomed the “AUB Nutrition Department” to proceed the project “Promoting Healthy Food and Sports” that encourages students to change their food style habits.
This session aimed to raise awareness among students on the importance of sports in their lives.
The presenter, Ms. Sara Assi, started with a classroom discussion about types of sports students like to perform. She focused on the importance of sports in maintaining a healthy body.
Then it was time for students to have fun. Every students was given a Pedometer, a machine that counts the number of steps and distance covered, and hanged it around his/her waist. Students started working out and checking the data on the Pedometer.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
كرة الطاولة
Wednesday, March 07, 2012
Yummy Activity
It was a delicious
session for grade four students. Pizza, chocolate bars, cookies and cheese were the tools that allowed students to learn about fractions.
we divided the pizza into pieces and ate it.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Our Colorful Healthy Friend
As every Monday, KSPS students welcomed the AUB Nutrition Department members, Ms. Nancy Awada and Ms. Sara Assi. Students had the chance to learn more about the importance of vitamins and fibers to maintain a healthy body. They discovered that fibers and vitamins are found the most in fruits and vegetables.
Finally, it was time for an interactive delicious activity, where students had to build a colorful model of fruits and vegetables using their imagination.Enjoy The Yummy Photos!
Thursday, March 01, 2012
Alphabet Bread
KG2 students made alphabet bread. They mixed the ingredients (flour, water, salt, sugar, yeast, and oil), made dough, spread it, formed letters with their mothers, baked it, and enjoyed eating the letters. Yummy letters :)
Storytelling Day
Stories are an effective tool for early language teaching. They meet the emotional, cognitive and psychological demands of pre-school children: their need to belong; to act; to share; to feel protected, etc. Stories and fairy tales are inherently interesting to children. They speak to the "I" of the child, as Bruno Bettelheim stated in his book, The Uses of Enchantment.
Accordingly, a storytelling day was held on February 29th , 2012 with the participation of parents.Children listened to stories, answered questions, sang songs and executed activities related to the stories with their parents.
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