Parental involvement is the most important factor for students' success in school. For this reason, our school held an open house, families visited classrooms, met teachers and saw examples of their children's work. Each teacher gave a presentation regarding the activities, procedures, school virtues, and academics that will be taught in classrooms this school year.
We discussed basic learning goals and plans of kindergarten and the strategies to clarify and achieve them. We also shared ideas of how children learn by exploration and discovery through making choices and exploring ideas and feelings and how to prepare them for reading and writing. We do share responsibility for creating a working relationship that fosters learning for education and socialization of children.
Thank you to all the parents who supported our school by attending our open house. We hope you found the meeting helpful. If you have any questions, please contact us.
and NEYYALNA NE7NA cause we have such an effective and efficient leader like you!
thanks a lot our president for your continouos support
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