Saturday, February 23, 2008

Congratulations to our basketball team

Our great basketball team won over Khadijah alKobra High School .Congratulations from the deepest of our heart go to:
Ihab Sidani
Omar daouk
Jad Saed
Ziad Nasser
Tarek Nemer
Marwan Asaad
Hassan Saleh
Mohammad Shatila
Mohammad Sidani
Jihad Mahfouz
Keep it up our heroes!!!!!!!!!!!


amine daouk said...

With Abir on our side ....are we really surprised ?????

wonderful prize winner Abir is pride of Shehab

Thank you Abir

Ghina Al-Badawi said...

We are just a little school with big aspirations and hard working teachers,always motivated by a great leader...a great President...President Amine