Wednesday, March 31, 2010

أمرح ...أتعلّم... أتغذى... ضمن النّشاطات الهادفة والدّاعمة لّلمنهج المدرسيّ كانت لنا وقفة ضمن محور الغذاء حيث رفع تلامذة الصف الأوّل شعارهم (العقل السليم في الجسم السليم) فقد أعدّ التلامذة وجبة صحيّة تضمّنت خبز القمح الكامل بالاضافة للّجبنة، والزيتون، واللّبنة. بالاضافة الى مكملات الوصفة كالخيار والجزر، للّزينة فقد صمّم الّتلامذة صحونهم على شكل قطّة لطيفة . فراقبوا معنا فنون التّلامذة في أعداد وجبتهم الّلذيذة ورغبتهم في تذوق ما اعدوه فألف صحة.

أمرح أتعلم أتغذى

إلى اللقاء مدرستي

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Math is Fun!!!

We have been working on multiplication for some time now. Grade 3 students invited their parents to share with them a variety of activities on multiplication. First, we had a game called "treasure land" and then we had a race of 3 serious. Parents observed their children playing and working with other children and they got ideas for games and activities to do at home. Many students felt special when their parents take part in the classroom experience. They see their parents in a different role. Educating children is a shared responsibility between parents and teachers. When parents participate in their child's learning experience, everyone wins.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Math is the BEST!

As the scholastic year moves on,students feel tired and less motivated.But pupils of KSPS reversed this equation and showed how much they are excited to learn. Here are some ideas I used with grade 5 students in the 2nd term to motivate them to study Math. 1-Every month I select 4 students as my helping hands during math sessions. At the end of each month,every helping hand will take a certificate as an appreciation for his help. 2- We celebrated the World Math Day “Love Math to Live Longer”. 3- We bought real life situations to class as in illustrating the concept of fractions with a cake. 4-Students formed circles, centers,radii,and diameters with their bodies. 5-Students watched an interactive powerpoint about fractions. 6- I invited some parents to attend an interactive Math session with their kids where they worked in groups together. 7-Students filled a questionnaire to check their opinion if they love math and what they like to change in math sessions.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Story Videotelling

"I only know one thing about the technologies that await us in the future: We will find ways to tell stories with them. " Storytelling has been with us since we started to communicate with each other and retelling is one of the skills for better reading and our favorite. After we've read "Click, Cliack, Moo...Cows That Type" story several times to identify and internalize the most important points of the text, we used graphic organizer to prepare the retelling...
We hope you enjoy the video of our retelling.
second graders

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

وحدة دعم للاطفال المرضى في عيد الطفل

عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه أنّ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قال:" حق المسلم على المسلم خمس: رد السلام، وعيادة المريض، واتباع الجنائز، وإجابة الدعوة، وتشميت العاطس" رواه البخاري ومسلم وابو داود وابن ماجة. هذا حديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يأمرنا بعيادة المريض وها نحن نقول له سمعاً وطاعة يا رسول، فمن ضمن مادة التربية الإسلامية قام تلاميذنا بعدد من الأنشطة اللاصفية بهدف جمع القيمة المالية لوحدة دعم لمرضى سرطان الاطفال، ثم قاموا بصحبة المربية رندة العنزاوي بزيارة ميدانية لمستشفى المقاصد وتفقدوا الأطفال المرضى وقدموا لهم في يومهم يوم الطفل وحدة الدعم وهدايا أُخرى ليُدخلوا السرور الى قلوبهم. نسأل الله العظيم أن يخفف عنهم ويشفيهم ، "اللهم إنا نسألك العفو والعافية في الدنيا والآخرة ، اللهم إنا نسألك العفو والعافية في ديننا ودنيانا وأهلنا ومالنا." ونتمنى على محبي عمل الخير أن يسارعوا اليه، بأن بقدموا وحدات الدعم المالية لتكاليف العلاج، ليدخلوا البهجة والأمل إلى قلوب الأطفال المرضى. قال الله تعالى :( من عمل صالحاً من ذكر أو أنثى وهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة ) شكر خاص الى كل من ساهم بإنجاح هذا العمل

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Children's Day At The Arab Cultural Club

"Today is Our Day... Let's have fun today... It's Children's Day" What a Child Day would be without a celebration? Kids love reading and they love celebrities. That's why we arranged a reading session with a famous Lebanese actor, Mr. Wissam Sabbagh. Our kids enjoyed his story telling and played games with Miss. Nermine Khansa, a very active member at The Arab Cultural Club. We deeply thank them for the warm hospitality. They made Children's Day a very special day as they opened their hearts to our kids and showered them with their gifts... stories, balloons and candies.

World Book Day With Bromstone Primary School, England

Thank you Mrs. Baker...Happy World Book Day to you, too!
bookmarks we have received....thank you dear friends
bookmarks we have sent
READ, READ, READ "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." We'd like to share with you the exchanged bookmarks that we and our friends at Bromstone Primary School in England made with lots of love.

Monday, March 22, 2010

أجمل هديّة..صنع يديّ

خلال حصّة الفنون أحبّ أطفال صفّي الثاني والثالث الأساسّيّين أن يصنعوا من الجفصين والعصّي والقطن الملوّن هدية مميّزة يقدموها في عيد الأم."أهديك يا أمي هدية صنعتها بيديّ،وردة تفوح منها رائحة عطر ذكيّة،فاقبليها ولك مني أجمل تحيّة". وبهذه المناسبة نعايد كل أمهات العالم

Happy Mother's Day

Nursery Class
KG1 Class
KG2 Class
A mother is the first true love that stays with you forever. She should be honored everyday. Othman Thinnourain students celebrated Mother's Day. They sang, played different games with their mothers and executed lots of activities. It was a special day.

Happy Sweetest Day, Mom

You were my strength when I was weak

You were my voice when I couldn't speak

You were my eyes when I couldn't see

You saw the best there was in me

Lifted me up when I couldn't reach

You gave me faith cause you believed

I'm everything I am



Special Thank You to Miss Maya Katerji

Sunday, March 21, 2010

أمي يا ملاكي الحارس

ان أجمل وردة في الكون هي ابتسامة على وجه الأم

ان أجمل وردة في الكون هي ابتسامة على وجه الأم وأفضل نبع يجري في نفسها هونبع الحب، وأرقى شىء تتمتع به هي العاطفة .ان مكانه الأم لها ثقل في قلوب الأبراروشذى في نفوس الصغار والكبار،ومن يجهل ذلك،أو يغيب عن الاحسان لها فأنه يتخبط في عنفوان القسوة لذلك أمي أقدم اليك بطاقة صنعتها بيدي وحملتها حبي الكبير املا أن تنال أعجابك وتقديرك أحبك أمي

Nursery & KG1 Art Fair

Art is a major area of a child’s life where he can be himself, explore experiment, make decisions, and evaluate outcomes, all within the realm of creativity and independent thought. Art is as natural as sunshine and vital as nourishment. We mustn’t ignore it. If children use their imagination, they have great ones and put their minds to work in a very constructive way and bring a lot of good things to learning new skills. On mother's day, parents took a look at their children's art work and were amazed by their children's creativity.

Family Online Safety

Do you that around 3 billion people use the internet daily?!! Nowadays using the internet becomes very valuable and rich because it provides us with powerful means for connection, business, and communication, it also brings that world into our homes and our families. Thus, staying safe online means using the tools that can help you to control who and what comes in your computer, and to exercise your own good judgment about the people you choose to trust. For this reason a conference was held at AL- Jazaeri building on Saturday March 20th 2010 in the presence of Mr. Amine Daouk, Ms. Adla Shatila, Mrs. Ghina Al Badawi, and some Makassed teachers. The presenters were Mr. Nour Aldeen Khouy and Mr. Ihab Shidyak from Think Community/ Microsoft. The aim of this conference was to spread awareness among teachers and parents to apply offline educational and cultural norms to help decrease their children online risks and for children building a culture of online responsibility. Here are some useful links about the topics presented in the conference:

مهرجان الطفولة

أقامت إبتدائية علي بن أبي طالب (قسم الرّوضة) مهرجاناً كبيراً بمناسبة عيد الطفل ،وقد دعوا أطفالاً من مدارس مقاصدية أخرى ومن بين هوءلاء الأطفال روضة عثمان ذي النّورين حيث كان لقاء الأحبة . تخلل المهرجان ألعاباًونشاطات مختلفة ومن بينها عرضاّ للدمى . في نهاية الحفل قدّموا للأطفال الحلوى والعصير والهدايا شكراً إبتدائية علي بن أبي طالب ، شكراً لزملائنا المقاصديين كل عام وأنتم بخير

Friday, March 19, 2010

Our Toy Project

"TOY DAY"...We brought our favorite toys into school. We named and described our toys and then we classified them into different categories. "TOYS AND GAMES FROM THE PAST"...What were our parents' and grandparents' toys like? How are our toys and games different from those in the past? and why are there differences? We asked our grandparents to bring a toy they may have from their childhood to share with us and we were so happy to welcome Mrs. Jamal, Mrs. Sumaya and Mrs. Najah. They told us their toy stories and how they used to make their own toys and create their own games. It was really a joy to have them in our class and we wish they could visit us again! "TOY SAFETY"... We've visited a couple of toy stores and learnt how to read labels and look for age ranges and safety warnings to make playtime a safe and joyful experience. Selecting the right toy is fun and rewarding!
Finally, we drew toys we wish they really existed...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

الحديقة متعة وجمال

الحديقة....عندما تسمع إسم حديقة يخطر ببالك اللعب ، الترفيه المتعة والطبيعة الخلابة . الحديقة تعني الصّغير كما الكبير.التّلوث البيئي خطر يهدد حياتنا اليومية سواء كان التّلوّث هوائياً أو مائياً أو تلوّث للتربة . لذا كان خوف أطفال روضة عثمان ذي النّورين على تربة حديقة الصّنائع خوفاً كبيراً فعزموا على تنظيفها وتنقيبها فجمعوا الأوساخ ووضعوها داخل سلل مزيّنة بالورود كانوا قد صنعوها بأنفسهم وتركوها كهدية للحديقة للمساعدة على التّخفيف من حدة التّلوث البيئي فليكن هوءلاء الأطفال قدوة لنا

New Friends From Gaza

"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be." Here are our new friends from "Jabalia Prep. C Boys School" - famous as "Al Fakhora" in North Gaza Strip, Palestine. It's a double shifting school and run by UN. Our new friends have sent us these beautiful photos showing us the different activities that were held at their school. Thank you Mr. Mohammed Al- Azzami...It's always a pleasure to make new friends and looking forward to your new project with us.