Tuesday, November 10, 2015

My Character Counts Notebook

      Every month KSPS students are learning a new value; so far they learned about trustworthiness, respect, and responsibility. These character lessons are helping our students to develop a safe, caring classroom community. To maintain these values along with our students all the times, I asked my 6th graders to create a note book entitled “My Character Counts”. In this notebook, students will write down everything they learned from the character building lessons, draw corresponding diagrams, and share their experiences… At the end of the scholastic year, every student will have “My Character Counts” notebook which is a valuable recourse to learn about character building and share with our community.


1 comment:

Rana Sabbidine said...

Well written and very creative as usual!!!

Our 6th graders, we count on you...

Thank you Mrs. Rawaa for your contribution in our character building program.